In mintea fiecaruia exista, printre dorinte si amintiri, un loc special, primul la care se gandeste cand spune Europa, dar la care nu ati ajuns niciodata... Daca sunteti in aceasta situatie, va propun un targ: "locul vostru special" sa devina si "al meu"! Iar voi ma veti ajuta sa imi indeplinesc si sa va indeplinesc visul.
Blogul asta a pornit ca un mic pas dintr-un mare vis ...acela de a vedea lumea de pe 2 roti si de a imortaliza oameni si locuri. Acum, mai fac un pas si hotarasc sa descopar Europa...cu o tinta sigura : Olanda...
Iar drumul pana acolo si inapoi, e hotarat de voi.
Vorbiti-mi despre locul acela...iar la intoarcere va veti primi fotografia. Ma va insoti un simbol, un "omulet" creat anume si el va fi o dovada in plus ca am fost acolo. Veti avea o imagine unica, asa cum v-o doriti...personalizata dupa cum imi cereti...atat timp cat e legal, posibil, fara risc mare de accidente si incidente, cu posibilitatile unui om ce insoteste o motocicleta de (deja) 300 de kg...
Asadar...scriu in nisipul Mediteranei, pe Zidul Berlinului si pe alte ziduri de vreti, imortalizez"piciorul " drept /fata al Turnului Eiffel, o fereastra din Amsterdam in miez de noapte, arunc o barcuta de hartie pe un canal din Amsterdam, caut urme ale razboiului in Sarajevo, zambetul unei italience...etc, etc...etc...
Niciodata n-am stiut sa vand si cu atat mai putin vise, dorinte sau locuri. ... Prin urmare, o suma mai mult sau mai putin simbolica, de 3 euro, ar putea acoperi o particica din cheltuielile mele. In plus, sper sa primesc intelegere si sprijin din partea autoritatilor, ajutor si gazduire, acolo unde e cazul .
La intoarcere...voi desena harta pe care o vom crea impreuna, intr-o expozitie care sa contina toate fotografiile daruite "voua".
Ma opresc aici, caci visele mari par si mai mari atunci cand sunt rostite cu voce tare...
deci... Incotro?...
p.s: descrierea "locului vostru " la email: alexandra.oancea@gmail.com. Multumesc tuturor!
...Put me on the map
..is there any place in your mind, among wishes or memories,seen or just imagined...the first you’re thinking when you say Europe...
I’am going there , to whathever that something will mean for you, knowing it will become mine, too.
The story...?
...long time wish, i wish alot. And i will leave.
But i need help, and so, i invite you to become part of my story, of my ...itinerary.
This blog started as a little step from a big dream ...to see the World from my 2 wheels, capturing people and places...
I make one more step and decide to discover Europe ...with a sure destination: Holland...
My way there and back will be decided by you ...
Talk to me about that place ...and you will have your own , personal Photography on my return. I will always have with me a little simbol, a „little toy” that we’ve created. This will be my proof that i was there and my personal signature. You will receive a unique,image ...just the way you want it, as long as it’s possible, legal, no harm , insomuch as for someone that is already outriding a motorcycle weight more than 300 kilos.
So...i write you in the sand of the Marmara...on the Berlin Wall or whathever other wall you feel like, i shot the wright/front metal leg of the Eiffel Tower, a window in Amsterdam in the middle of the night, i throw your paper boat on a ditch (hm...also in Amsterdam) , i search for war traces in Sarajevo, the smile of a italian women...etc , etc...etc...
From here, everything becomes ...hm...just different, cause i never knew how to sell ...
So, it will be more or less symbolic amount...3 euro, the cost for the image you will "order" and receive..
I really hope that all of this will bring me undersanding and support from authorities, help and housing, if i need it.
On my return...i will draw the map that i’ll created together with you , in a exhibition that will contain all the gifted photographies.
... big dreams seems even bigger when you say it aloud.
... to where?
P.S: the description about "your place" at email: alexandra.oancea@gmail.com
Thank you all!
Bafta, mie si voua!